Xonai Profiling Page

Spark applications running with Xonai will have a new page in the History Server that displays memory utilization and execution coverage metrics that can be useful to optimize memory configuration and identify bottlenecks.


The description of each metric in the “Stages” section is as follows:




Execution status of the stage

Peak Task Execution Memory

Maximum memory allocated by a task in the stage

Xonai Task Time

Total task execution time (in minutes) spent by Xonai in the stage

Total Task Time

Total task execution time (in minutes) in the stage


Percentage of the total task execution time spent by Xonai in the stage

The description of each metric in the “Queries” section is as follows:




Execution status of the query

Peak Task Execution Memory

Maximum memory allocated by a task in the query

Xonai Task Time

Total task execution time (in minutes) spent by Xonai in the query

Total Task Time

Total task execution time (in minutes) in the query


Percentage of the total task execution time spent by Xonai in the query


Metrics are collected at a fixed interval (10s by default). While generally this is expected to be enough to give useful estimates of memory usage, it may still be inaccurate as the collection is not guaranteed to happen at true peak usage. Additionally, not all operations in a Stage report memory usage to the Spark MemoryManager.

The property spark.executor.metrics.pollingInterval can be changed (in milliseconds) to a smaller value to decrease the collection interval and (likely) increase accuracy. Performance may be affected if the collection happens in very small intervals.